// 3D


This project was an assignment for the class Digital Dimensions taught by Raphael Zollinger. For this piece I combined various 3d models that I found on Sketchfab to create a human-manatee hybrid... a Humanatee! This was done in Rhino 7. Once I was happy with the model, I had to slice it into layers. Then I had to go into Adobe Illustrator to arrange and space out the layers into sheets. Then it was a simple matter of putting the Illustrator files into the laser cutter. Once everything was cut, I just had to glue everything together and stablize the model with wooden dowels. I liked the model so much so that I decided to 3D print the model out of PLA filament.

Made with  Rhino 7, Adobe Illustrator, corugated-cardboard, wooden dowels, and a laser cutter. //