// sound

In my first audio assignment for Professor Elizabeth Phillips' Sound/Interactive Media I course, we were tasked to create a sonic composition using only one sound sample from an object of our choice which we had to record in class. The sound that I chose to record and use was an old wind-up bell mechanism similar to an antique telephone ringer. The way I made the other sound samples featured in the piece was using an audio editing application called Emission Control 2 to alter, morph, and mangle the original sound sample.  

Reaper, Emission Control 2, and an antique ringer were used in the creation of this piece. //

For this project, we were tasked to create sound composition using "industrial" or artificial sound sources. The Professor brought in her modular synthesizer to demonstrate how create sounds and sequences out of it. The audio samples I used in my composition were from a recording of this demonstration. I also used recorded samples from the feedback loop of guitar effects pedals and a patch I made in VCV Rack 2  

This project was made using Reaper, Emission Control 2, VCV Rack 2. //

This composition was made in conjunction with the sound sculpture I constructed for one of the assignments (a video example can be found the "video" section of this site). In the composition, I used my own narration to personfy the thoughts and insights from the perspective of the large glass vessel I used to create my sound sculpture. I also used the sounds created from the feedback loop generated from guitar effects pedals. I also used OsciStudio to process the oscillating sound sample in the beginning and end of this composition.  

This project was made using Reaper, OsciStudio, a ZOOM recorder, guitar effects pedals and my own narration. //

In this midterm assignment from Professr Victoria Estok's Introduction to Sound course, we had to make a sound piece that uses an assigned text as a prompt. Using sound samples found on Freesound.com, my own voiceover, and several different editing techniques, I constructed a sonic narrative and soundscape that conveys the overall ideas presented in the text and specific details and descriptions. The text in question was an excerpt from The Listening Book: Discovering Your Own Music by W.A. Mathieu.  

This project was created using Reaper, a ZOOM recorder, and sound samples from Freesound.com and YouTube.  //

In this soundpiece, we were tasked to create sonic composition based on a single quote that was assign to us by the Professor. The quote I was given was by Wendell Berry and goes like this: “The language that reveals also obscures.” The way I attempted to interpret this quote was through creating a sonic narrative of a robot becoming self-aware and exploring surroundings with the help of its creators and caretakers.  

This project was created using Reaper and sound samples from Freesound.com. //

For this final project for Introduction to Sound class, we assigned to create a piece on a subject of our choosing. I chose the exploration of Jewish culture for my final sound project since I wanted to ask questions pertaining to a major part of my identity and heritage. Before creating this piece, I haven’t had the chance very much to explore or affirm my Jewishness in both my own work and as a creator. A major part of this composition came from the stories of survival and insights of faith from an interview with a survivor of the Holocaust.  

This project was made using Reaper, sound samples from Freesound.com, a ZOOM recorder, and audio taken from a Zoom Meeting featuring the individual I interviewed. //