// photo

I created this series of photographs in an introductary course on film photography in Westchester Community College (WCC). I took these black-and-white, film photographs using an old, Minolta X-370s 35mm film camera and developed the prints myself in the dark room and photo-lab that WCC provided. These images were captured in various locations including New York City; the Maritime Aquarium in Norwalk, Connecticut; and at home.  //

This series of images are cyanotypes created in the course Extended Media taught by Professor Adam Porter. The Professor gave each of us two word prompts to create several compositions. Mine were the words "light" and "archaic". The way that these images were made was first creating the composition, using elements from images I took myself and images found off the internet, in Photoshop and printing it out on a plastic transparency sheet. Next I coated a thick sheet of paper with light sensitive chemicals. Once I was done with these steps, I then put the transparency on top of the coated paper and exposed it to UV light for several minutes. I then had to wash off the excess chemicals on the paper with water to reveal the image. I let it dry and I had my cyanotype image!  //