// video

This video was an assignment done in the class Video Art 1 taught by Professor Kit Yi Wong. In this piece, I had to create a montage of still images to tell a coherent story. I used images as well as video footage that I took on my smartphone and combined them into a composition that tells a story of origins and the natural environment.  

This project was created using a combination of Photoshop and Premiere Pro. //

This video was created in Professor Carol Bankerd's Composition: Crossing Over Art class. In this class, we were exposed to different fields of artistic study and were assigned projects related to them. The prompt for this video was taken from Nico Muhly's music composition Mothertongue: I. Archive which we listened to in the course. The imagery was based upon my own interpretation of what I saw in the music.  

I created this video using Blender. //

In this assigment for Sound/Interactive Media I, taught by Professor Elizabeth Phillips, we were tasked to make a sound sculpture out of two transducers, a stereo amplifier, and solid medium of our choice. Essentially, what we really created was a speaker and also had to create a unique sound composition to accompany it. The soundtrack I composed was based directly on the glass vessel shown in the video.  

I used Blender, OsciStudio, Reaper, a digital oscilloscope application, and a large glass vase to complete this video. //

This was part of a bigger project in the course Design for Web and Screens taught by Professor Benjamin Santiago. The assignment was to create a mock-website and video materials for a fake organization of our imagining. I chose to make a organization that creates virtual humans based on individual human data. The video here is supposed to be an example of a virtual human introducing themselves to the audience.  

The project was created using Blender and Reaper. //